Como ganhar dinheiro em opções binárias Trading na Ucrânia. O que é uma opção binária e como você faz dinheiro. Uma opção binária é um produto financeiro rápido e extremamente simples que permite aos investidores apostar se o preço de um ativo vai subir ou Para baixo no futuro, por exemplo o preço conservado em estoque de Google, a taxa de câmbio de USD GBP, ou o preço do ouro O período de tempo pode ser tão pequeno quanto 60 segundos, tornando possível trocar centenas de vezes por dia. Comércio você sabe exatamente o quanto você está a ganhar se a sua previsão está correta, geralmente 70-95 se você apostar 100 você receberá 170 195 em um comércio bem sucedido Isso torna o gerenciamento de riscos e negociação decisões muito mais simples O resultado é sempre um Sim ou Nenhuma resposta você ganha tudo ou você perde tudo, portanto, sendo uma opção binária. Para começar a negociar você primeiro precisa de uma conta de corretor Escolha um da lista de corretores recomendados, onde apenas corretores que mostraram-se a ser confiável estão incluídos O topo Corretor h Como selecionado como a melhor escolha para a maioria dos comerciantes. Se você é completamente novo para opções binárias você pode abrir uma conta demo com a maioria dos corretores, para experimentar a sua plataforma e ver o que é como o comércio antes de depositar dinheiro real. Introdução Video Como negociar opções binárias. Esses vídeos irão apresentá-lo ao conceito de opções binárias e como funciona o comércio Se você quiser saber ainda mais detalhes, por favor, leia toda esta página e siga os links para todos os artigos mais aprofundados negociação binária não Não tem que ser complicado, mas como com qualquer tópico você pode educar-se para ser um especialista e aperfeiçoar o seu tipo de skills. Option. O tipo mais comum de opção binária é o simples Up Down comércio Existem, no entanto, diferentes tipos de opção O único É que o resultado terá um resultado binário Sim ou Não Aqui estão alguns dos tipos available. Up Down ou High Low A opção binária mais básica e mais comum Será um preço terminar mais alto ou mais baixo do que o preço atual a o tempo de Expi Ry. In Out, Range ou Boundary Esta opção define uma figura alta e baixa figura Traders prever se o preço vai terminar dentro ou fora desses níveis ou limites. Touch No Touch Estes têm níveis definidos, superior ou inferior ao preço atual O comerciante tem que prever se o preço real vai tocar esses níveis em qualquer ponto entre o momento do comércio uma nota de expiração com uma opção de toque, que o comércio pode fechar antes do tempo de expiração se o nível de preço é tocado antes da opção expira, Então a opção de toque será payout imediatamente, independentemente de o preço se afasta do nível de toque depois. Estas opções se comportam como um normal Up Down comércio, mas em vez de usar o preço de exercício atual, a escada terá níveis de preços predefinidos laddered progressivamente Up ou muitas vezes pode ser alguma forma da greve atual essas opções geralmente precisam de um movimento de preços significativos, os pagamentos muitas vezes vão além de 100, mas ambos os lados do comércio pode não estar disponível. Passo a Passo Guide. Below é um guia passo a passo para colocar um comércio binário. Escolher um corretor Use os nossos revisores de corretor e ferramentas de comparação para encontrar o melhor site de negociação binária para você. Selecione o ativo ou mercado para o comércio As listas de ativos são enormes, E cobrir Commodities, Stocks, Forex ou índices O preço do petróleo, ou o preço das ações da Apple, por exemplo. Selecione o tempo de expiração Opções podem expirar em qualquer lugar entre 30 segundos até um year. Set o tamanho do comércio Lembre-se 100 do investimento Está em risco. Clique em Chamada Pôr ou Comprar Vender O valor patrimonial subir ou cair Alguns botões corretor de rótulo de forma diferente. Verificar e confirmar o comércio Muitos corretores dar aos comerciantes uma chance de garantir os detalhes estão corretos antes de confirmar o trade. Choose um Broker. No Comerciante será mais bem sucedido do que seu ou seu corretor é honesto Negociação em opções binárias ainda não está regulamentado o suficiente para ser considerado uma alternativa de investimento estabelecido, e assim há uma abundância de operadores desonestos tentando tirar proveito de ingenuidade t Raders. Note Don t EVER comércio com um corretor ou usar um serviço que s na nossa lista negra e scams página stick com os que recomendamos aqui no site Aqui estão alguns atalhos para páginas que podem ajudá-lo a determinar qual corretor é certo para youpare todos Corretores se você quiser comparar as características e ofertas de todos os corretores recomendados. Bonuses e Ofertas, se você quiser ter certeza de obter dinheiro extra para o comércio com, ou outras promoções e ofertas. Pouco corretores de depósito mínimo, se você quiser negociar de verdade sem Tendo que depositar grandes somas de contas money. Demo se você quiser experimentar uma plataforma de negociação de verdade sem depositar dinheiro em todos os. Halal Brokers se você é um do crescente número de comerciantes muçulmanos. Asset Lists. The número e diversidade de ativos que você Pode negociar varia de corretor para corretor A maioria dos corretores fornecem opções sobre ativos populares, como os principais pares de forex, incluindo o EUR USD, USD JPY e GBP USD, bem como principais índices de ações, como o FTSE, SP 500 ou Dow Jones Industrial Commod Incluindo ouro, prata, petróleo também são geralmente oferecidos. Ações individuais e ações também são negociáveis através de muitos corretores binários Não todas as ações estarão disponíveis, porém, mas geralmente você pode escolher entre cerca de 25 a 100 ações populares, como Google e Apple Estes As listas estão crescendo o tempo todo como exigência dita. As listas de ativos são sempre listados claramente em todas as plataformas de negociação, ea maioria dos corretores fazer suas listas de ativos completo disponível em seu site Full informações lista de ativos também está disponível dentro de nossos reviews. Expiry Times. The expiry O tempo é o ponto em que uma negociação é fechada e liquidada A única exceção é quando uma opção de toque atingiu um nível predefinido antes de expiração A expiração para qualquer comércio pode variar de 30 segundos, até um ano Enquanto binários inicialmente começou com muito Curto prazo, a demanda garantiu que há agora uma ampla gama de tempos de expiração disponíveis Alguns corretores ainda dar aos comerciantes a flexibilidade para definir seu próprio tempo de expiração específicos. Expiries são genes Rally agrupados em três categorias. Short Term Turbo Estes são normalmente classificados como qualquer expiração em 5 minutes. Normal Estes iriam variar de 5 minutos, até ao final do dia expies que expiram quando o mercado local para esse activo fecha. Long prazo qualquer expiração além O fim do dia seria considerado a longo prazo A expiração a mais longa pôde ser 12 meses. Embora lenta reagir às opções binárias inicialmente, os reguladores em torno do mundo estão começando agora regular a indústria e fazer sua presença sentida. Autoridade de Conduta FCA Regulador do Reino Unido. Chipre Comissão de Valores e Câmbio CySec Chipre Regulador, muitas vezes passported em toda a UE, sob MiFIDmodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC EUA regulador. Há também reguladores que operam em Malta e na Ilha de Man Muitas outras autoridades estão agora a tomar um afiado Um interesse em binários especificamente, nomeadamente na Europa, onde reguladores domésticos estão interessados em reforçar a regulação CySec. Mal operam e, enquanto alguns são confiáveis, a falta de regulamentação é um sinal de alerta claro para novos clientes potenciais. Stratégias e Guias. Temos um monte de guias detalhadas e artigos de estratégia para a educação geral e técnicas de negociação especializada Abaixo estão alguns para Começá-lo começado se você quiser aprender o básico antes que você comece negociar Você pode encontrar muito mais na página da estratégia. Sinais e outros serviços. Para a leitura mais adicional em sinais e as revisões de serviços diferentes vão à página dos sinais. São totalmente novos para a cena de negociação, em seguida, assistir a este grande vídeo pelo Professor Shiller da Universidade de Yale, que introduz as principais idéias de opções. Educação para iniciantes. Tipos de Trades. How para configurar uma capacidade Trade. The para trocar os diferentes tipos de binário Opções podem ser alcançadas através da compreensão de certos conceitos como preço de exercício ou barreira de preço e data de vencimento Todos os negócios têm datas em que eles expiram. Quando o comércio expira, o comportamento do pri Ação de acordo com o tipo selecionado irá determinar se ele está em lucro no dinheiro ou em uma posição de perda fora do dinheiro Além disso, as metas de preços são os níveis-chave que o comerciante define como pontos de referência para determinar os resultados Vamos ver A aplicação de metas de preço quando explicamos os diferentes tipos. Há três tipos de comércios Cada um destes tem variações diferentes Estes são. Vamos levá-los um após o outro. Também chamado de Up Down comércio binário, a essência é prever se O preço de mercado do activo vai acabar mais alto ou mais baixo do que o preço de exercício o preço-alvo selecionado antes da expiração Se o comerciante espera que o preço suba o alto ou alto comércio, ele compra uma opção de compra Se ele espera que o preço a cabeça Baixo ou baixo, ele compra uma opção de venda Os prazos de expiração podem ser tão baixos quanto 5 minutos. Por favor, note alguns corretores classificar Up Down como tipos diferentes, onde um comerciante compra uma opção de compra se ele espera que o preço a subir para além do preço atual , Ou Compra uma opção de venda se ele espera que o preço caia abaixo dos preços atuais. Você pode ver isso como um tipo de queda de ascensão em algumas plataformas de negociação. O tipo In Out, também chamado de comércio de túnel ou de fronteira, é usado para E as fugas para fora Como é que funciona Primeiro, o comerciante define dois alvos de preços para formar uma faixa de preço Ele então compra uma opção para prever se o preço vai ficar dentro do túnel faixa de preço até expiração Em ou se o preço será breakout da faixa de preço Em qualquer direção Out. The melhor maneira de usar os binários de túnel é usar os pontos de pivô do ativo Se você estiver familiarizado com pontos de pivô no forex, então você deve ser capaz de negociar este tipo. Touch No Touch. This tipo é predicado Sobre a ação de preço que toca uma barreira de preço ou não Uma opção de toque é um tipo onde o comerciante compra um contrato que irá entregar lucro se o preço de mercado do bem adquirido toca o preço-alvo definido pelo menos uma vez antes de expirar Se o preço acti On não toca o preço alvo o preço de exercício antes da expiração, o comércio vai acabar como uma loss. A No Touch é exatamente o oposto do Touch Aqui você está apostando na ação de preço do activo subjacente não tocando o preço de exercício antes O expiration. There são variações deste tipo onde temos o Double Touch e Double No Touch Aqui o comerciante pode definir dois alvos de preço e comprar um contrato que aposta no preço tocando ambos os destinos antes de expiração Double Touch ou não tocar em ambos os alvos antes da expiração Double No Touch Normalmente, você só emprega o comércio Double Touch quando há volatilidade do mercado intensa e os preços são esperados para tirar vários níveis de preços. Alguns corretores oferecem todos os três tipos, enquanto outros oferecem dois, e há aqueles que oferecem apenas uma variedade Além disso, alguns corretores também colocar restrições sobre como datas de validade são definidas A fim de obter o melhor dos diferentes tipos, os comerciantes são aconselhados a comprar ao redor para os corretores que irão dar Lhes a máxima flexibilidade em termos de tipos e tempos de expiração que pode ser set. Mobile Apps. Trading através do seu celular tem sido feita muito fácil como todos os principais corretores fornecem totalmente desenvolvido aplicativos de comércio móvel A maioria das plataformas de negociação foram projetados com usuários de dispositivos móveis em mente Então A versão móvel será muito semelhante, se não o mesmo, como a versão web completa. Brokers vai atender tanto para iOS e dispositivos Android, e produzir versões para cada Downloads são rápidos, e os comerciantes podem se inscrever através do site móvel também Our As revisões contêm mais detalhes sobre cada aplicativo móvel de corretores, mas a maioria está plenamente consciente de que esta é uma área crescente de negociação Os comerciantes querem reagir imediatamente a eventos de notícias e atualizações de mercado, de modo corretores fornecem as ferramentas para os clientes para o comércio onde quer que estejam..O que significa Opções Binárias. Opções binárias significa, colocar de forma muito simples, um comércio onde o resultado é um binário Sim Não resposta Estas opções pagam uma quantia fixa se eles ganham conhecido como no dinheiro, mas o inte Re investimento é perdido, se o comércio binário perde Assim, em suma, eles são uma forma de opções financeiras retorno fixo. Como é que um estoque Work. Steps comércio para negociar um estoque através de uma opção binária. Select o estoque ou equity. Identify o Desejado tempo de expiração O tempo que a opção vai end. Enter o tamanho do comércio ou investment. Decide se o valor vai subir ou cair e colocar um put ou call. The etapas acima será o mesmo em cada único corretor Mais camadas de complexidade pode Mas ao negociar equities o tipo de comércio ascendente simples para baixo remanesce o mais popular. Put e as opções de chamada. Call e põr são simplesmente os termos dadas a comprar ou vender uma opção Se um comerciante pensa que o preço subjacente vai acima no valor, Eles podem abrir uma chamada Mas onde eles esperam que o preço para ir para baixo, eles podem colocar um comercial put. Diferentes plataformas de negociação rotular seus botões de negociação diferentes, alguns até mesmo alternar entre Comprar Vender e Chamar Colocar Outros soltar as frases colocar e chamar totalmente Quase todos Plataforma de negociação É absolutamente claro que direção um comerciante está abrindo uma opção in. Are opções binárias um Scam. As uma ferramenta de investimento financeiro eles em si mesmos não um embuste, mas há corretores, robôs comerciais e fornecedores de sinal que são untrustworthy e dishonest. The ponto é Não para anular o conceito de opções binárias, com base apenas em um punhado de corretores desonesto A imagem destes instrumentos financeiros sofreu como resultado desses operadores, mas os reguladores estão lentamente começando a processar e multa os infratores ea indústria está sendo limpa Up Nosso fórum é um ótimo lugar para aumentar a conscientização de qualquer wrongdoing. These verificações simples podem ajudar a evitar as fraudes. Marketing promissor enormes retornos Isso é sinal de aviso claro Binários são uma ferramenta de alto risco de alta recompensa eles não são um esquema de dinheiro online e Não deve ser vendido como tal Os operadores que fazem tais reivindicações são muito susceptíveis de ser untrustworthy. Know o corretor Alguns operadores funil novo cliente para um corretor que parceiro com, por isso A pessoa não tem idéia de quem sua conta está com Um comerciante deve saber o corretor que eles estão indo para o comércio com Estes funis muitas vezes caem no mercado rápido obter ricos discutidos anteriormente. Chamadas de Chamadas Os corretores profissionais não fará chamadas frias que não se comercializam em Que forma Fria chamadas será muitas vezes a partir de corretores não regulamentados interessados apenas em obter um depósito inicial Proceder com muito cuidado se juntar uma empresa que entrou em contato desta forma Isso incluiria e-mail de contato, bem como qualquer forma de contato fora do blue. Terms and Conditions Quando Tomar um bônus ou oferta, ler os termos e condições completas Alguns incluem bloqueio em um depósito inicial, além dos fundos de bônus até que um volume elevado de comércios foram feitas O primeiro depósito é o comerciante s dinheiro legítimo corretores não reivindicá-lo como Deles antes de qualquer negociação Alguns corretores também oferecem a opção de cancelar um bônus se ele não se encaixa as necessidades do comerciante. Não deixe que qualquer um comércio para você Evite permitir Qualquer gerente de conta para o comércio para você Há um claro conflito de interesses, mas esses funcionários do corretor irá incentivar os comerciantes a fazer grandes depósitos e assumir maiores riscos Traders não deve deixar qualquer um comércio em seu nome. Que são as melhores estratégias de negociação. Estratégias de negociação binária são exclusivas para cada comércio Temos uma seção de estratégia, e há idéias que os comerciantes podem experimentar com Análise técnica é de uso para alguns comerciantes, combinado com gráficos e pesquisa de ação de preço A gestão de dinheiro é essencial para garantir a gestão de risco é aplicada a Todos os estilos de negociação diferente irá atender comerciantes diferentes e estratégias também irá evoluir e mudar. Não existe uma única estratégia melhor Traders necessidade de fazer perguntas de seus objetivos de investimento e apetite de risco e, em seguida, aprender o que funciona para eles. Are opções binárias Gambling. This vai depender Inteiramente sobre os hábitos do comerciante Sem estratégia ou pesquisa, então qualquer investimento vai ganhar ou perder com base apenas na sorte Por outro lado, um comerciante Fazendo um comércio bem pesquisado vai garantir que eles fizeram tudo o que podem para evitar confiar em fortune. Binary opções podem ser usadas para apostar, mas eles também podem ser usados para fazer comércios com base no valor e lucros esperados Então, a resposta à pergunta será Vir para baixo para o comerciante. Vantagens de Binário Trading. The mundo está cheio de uma infinidade de mercados financeiros, e os avanços na tecnologia tornou possível para cada um desses mercados para ser acessível ao médio Joe que tem uma conexão à Internet e um computador Ou dispositivos móveis. Como tal, pode haver alguma confusão quanto ao que o mercado financeiro para participar no Forex pegou muita atenção, porque as promessas vistas nas páginas de vendas de corretores de forex e vendedores parecem apontá-lo como uma maneira de fácil Dinheiro No entanto, porque este mercado tem algumas peculiaridades que os comerciantes devem estar completamente em casa com, muitos comerciantes despreparados viram-se no lado errado do mercado. Aqui é onde as opções binárias vêm para o resgate wi O seu conjunto único de vantagens sobre outras formas de negociação no mercado. Risco Financeiro Mínimo. Se você negociou forex ou seus primos mais voláteis, petróleo bruto ou metais spot, como ouro ou prata, você provavelmente terá aprendido uma coisa que estes mercados carregam um Muitos riscos e é muito fácil de ser explodido fora do mercado Muitos parâmetros afetam os resultados comerciais que os comerciantes têm de lutar com coisas como alavancagem e margem, eventos de notícias, derrapagens e preços re-citação, etc podem afetar um comércio negativamente É por isso que a negociação da moeda e os mercados de commodities é um risco A situação é diferente na negociação de opções binárias Não há alavancagem para lidar com e fenômenos como deslizamento e preço re-citações não têm efeito sobre os resultados do binário opção comercial Isso reduz o risco Na negociação de opção binária para o mínimo mínimo Ao contrário do que obtém em outros mercados, muitos corretores retornam uma fração do valor usado em contratos de compra quando o comércio é um perdedor. As opções binárias Mercado permite aos comerciantes negociar instrumentos financeiros espalhados através da moeda e mercados de commodities, bem como índices e títulos Esta flexibilidade é incomparável e dá aos comerciantes com o conhecimento de como negociar esses mercados, um balcão único para o comércio de todos esses instrumentos. Resultado comercial binário é baseado em apenas um parâmetro de direção O comerciante é essencialmente aposta sobre se um activo financeiro vai acabar em uma determinada direção Além disso, o comerciante é livre para determinar quando o comércio termina, definindo um prazo de validade Isto dá uma O comércio que inicialmente começou mal a oportunidade de acabar bem Isso não é o caso com outros mercados Por exemplo, o controle de perdas só pode ser alcançado usando uma perda de stop Caso contrário, um comerciante tem de suportar uma retirada se um comércio tem um giro adverso em ordem Para dar-lhe o quarto para girar rentável O ponto simples que está sendo feito aqui é que nas opções binárias, o comerciante tem menos para preocupar-se do que se fosse negociar outros markets. Greater Contro Por exemplo, se um comerciante quer comprar um contrato, ele sabe de antemão, o que ele está a ganhar eo que ele vai perder se o comércio é out-of-the-money Este não é o caso com outros mercados Por exemplo, quando um comerciante define uma ordem pendente no mercado forex para negociar um evento de notícias de alto impacto, não há garantia de que seu comércio será preenchido ao preço de entrada ou que um comércio perdedor Será fechado para fora na perda da saída loss. Higher Payouts. The payouts por o comércio são geralmente mais elevados em binários do que com outras formas de negociação Alguns corretores oferecem pagamentos de até 80 em um comércio Isso é possível sem comprometer a conta Em outros mercados, Tais pagamentos só podem ocorrer se um comerciante ignora todas as regras de gestão de dinheiro e expõe uma grande quantidade de capital de negociação para o mercado, na esperança de um grande pagamento que nunca ocorre na maioria dos casos. Para negociar o altamente volátil forex ou mercados de commodities, Um trader tem que ter Por exemplo, o comércio de ouro, uma commodity com uma volatilidade intra-dia de até 10.000 pips em tempos de alta volatilidade, exige capital comercial em dezenas de milhares de dólares Isso restringe o acesso de pessoas comuns a Tais mercados No entanto, as opções binárias tem requisitos de entrada muito mais baixos, como alguns corretores permitem que as pessoas comecem a negociar com tão baixo quanto 10.Disadvantages de negociação binária. Reduced Trading Odds para Sure-Banker Trades. The payouts para negociações de opções binárias são drasticamente reduzidas quando As chances de sucesso desse comércio são muito altas. Embora seja verdade que algumas negociações oferecem até 85 pagamentos por comércio, esses pagamentos elevados são possíveis somente quando um comércio é feito com a data de expiração definida a alguma distância da data do Comércio Claro que em tais situações, os comércios são mais imprevisíveis. Falta de bons Trading Tools. Alguns corretores não oferecem verdadeiramente úteis ferramentas de negociação, como gráficos e recursos para análise técnica Para os seus clientes comerciantes experientes podem contornar este por sourcing para essas ferramentas em outros lugares comerciantes inexperientes que são novos para o mercado não são tão afortunados Isso está mudando para melhor, porém, como operadores maduro e tomar consciência da necessidade dessas ferramentas para atrair comerciantes Limitações em Gestão de Risco. Ao contrário do forex, onde os comerciantes podem obter contas que lhes permitem negociar mini - e micro-lotes em pequenos tamanhos de conta, muitos corretores opção binária definir um mínimo de montantes negociáveis que um comerciante pode negociar no mercado Isso torna É mais fácil perder muito capital ao negociar binários Como ilustração, um corretor forex pode permitir que você abra uma conta com 200 e micro-lotes comerciais, o que permite a um comerciante expor apenas quantidades aceitáveis de seu capital para o mercado. No entanto, você Será difícil encontrar muitos corretores binários que lhe permitirá negociar abaixo de 50, mesmo com uma conta de 200 Nesta situação, quatro comércios perdedores irão explodir a conta. Custo de perder Trades. Unlike Em outros mercados onde a relação de recompensa de risco pode ser controlada e definida para dar uma vantagem para ganhar comércios, as probabilidades de opções binárias inclinação da relação risco-recompensa em favor da perda de comércios Em outras palavras, os comerciantes perdem mais dinheiro quando seus comércios terminam como Perdas do que eles podem ganhar quando seus negócios acabam como lucros Estima-se que para cada lucro 70 que acabam em lucros, a perda correspondente do mesmo comércio, se ele termina em uma perda é 85 A implicação deste é que, para um comerciante Para quebrar mesmo, a porcentagem de vitória tem que ser pelo menos 55 Por conseguinte, terá um comerciante ganhando 6 comércios de dez para entrar em lucro, mas apenas 4 comércios de dez para acabar no vermelho. Correções. Mercado como o forex ou commodities mercado, é possível fechar um comércio com perdas mínimas e abrir outro rentável, se uma repetição análise do comércio revela o primeiro comércio de ter sido um erro Este cenário não pode ser replicado em opções binárias no momento Um comerciante Como colocado um comércio, o valor de sua equidade no comércio cai para refletir as comissões comerciais retiradas pelo corretor O pagamento sobre o comércio reverso é fixo e não pode ser usado para cobrir a perda do trade. Spot errado vs Binary Trading. Estes são duas alternativas diferentes, negociadas com duas psicologias diferentes, mas ambos podem fazer sentido como ferramentas de investimento Um é mais centrado no TEMPO eo outro é mais centrado no preço Ambos trabalham em tempo de preço, mas o foco você vai encontrar de um para o outro É uma divisão interessante Os comerciantes de forex spot podem ignorar o tempo como um fator em sua negociação, que é um erro muito grande O comerciante binário de sucesso tem uma visão mais equilibrada do preço do tempo, o que simplesmente o torna um comerciante mais bem arredondado binários por sua força natureza Um para sair de uma posição dentro de um determinado período de tempo ganhar ou perder que instills um maior foco na disciplina e gestão de risco No forex trading esta falta de disciplina é a causa de falha para a maioria dos comerciantes como o Y irá simplesmente manter posições perdedoras por períodos mais longos de tempo e cortar posições vencedoras em períodos mais curtos de tempo Em opções binárias que não é possível como o tempo expira seu comércio termina ganhar ou perder Abaixo estão alguns exemplos de como isso funciona. Acima é um comércio feito Sobre o EUR USD comprando em uma janela inferior a 10 minutos de preço e tempo Como um comerciante binário este foco irá naturalmente torná-lo melhor do que o exemplo abaixo, onde um comerciante forex spot que se concentra no preço, ignorando o elemento tempo acaba em apuros Esta Psicologia de ser capaz de se concentrar em limites eo eixo dual irá ajudá-lo a se tornar um melhor comerciante global. A própria vantagem de negociação no local é a mesma falha a expansão dos lucros exponencialmente a partir de 1 ponto no preço Isto é dizer que se você Entrar em uma posição que você acredita que vai aumentar em valor eo preço não aumenta ainda acelera para o lado negativo, a tendência normal para a maioria dos comerciantes spot é esperar para fora ou pior adicionar às posições perdedoras como Eles percebem que ele vai voltar A aceleração no tempo para a direção desejada oposta faz com que a maioria dos comerciantes spot para ser preso em posições desfavoráveis, tudo porque eles não planejam o tempo em seu raciocínio, e isso leva a uma completa falta de trading discipline. The natureza De opções binárias forçam um a ter uma mentalidade mais completa de negociação fora tanto Y Faixa de preço e intervalo de tempo X como os limites são aplicados Eles simplesmente fazem de você um melhor operador global desde o início Inversamente no outro lado, eles por sua natureza exigem um Maior taxa de vitória como cada aposta significa um ganho de 70-90 vs uma perda de 100 Por isso, sua taxa de vitória deve ser em média 54-58 para quebrar mesmo Este desequilíbrio faz com que muitos comerciantes de overtrade ou vingar comércio que é tão ruim como segurando acrescentando Perdendo posições como um comerciante forex spot Para o comércio com êxito você precisa praticar a gestão do dinheiro e controle emocional. Em conclusão, quando se inicia como um comerciante, binários podem oferecer uma base melhor para aprender a negociação O sim O raciocínio é que o foco em TIME PRICE combinado é como olhar ambas as maneiras ao atravessar a rua O comerciante de forex spot média só olha para o preço, o que significa que ele está apenas olhando em uma direção antes de atravessar a rua Aprendizagem de comércio tendo tempo e preço Em consideração deve ajudar a fazer um um comerciante muito geral. Referências e leitura adicional. IQ Opção Visit.24Option Visit. EZTrader Visit. Marketsworld Visit. Binary opções de negociação no Reino Unido. Apenas o que são opções binárias Em termos muito simples, é um Forma de investimento A palavra binário é usado porque há apenas dois resultados possíveis Ou o comércio é bem sucedido, eo investidor ganha um retorno significativo geralmente entre 65 a 95 Ou o comércio é malsucedido, eo montante total do investimento é lost. So binários ou As opções digitais são uma forma de alto risco de investimento, mas oferecem altas recompensas A maioria dos corretores são regulamentados, oferecendo aos consumidores o tipo de proteção que eles esperariam ao usar instrumentos financeiros Este tipo de opções são negociadas em um ativo ou mercado. Por exemplo, um preço de mercado de commodity valor ou taxa de câmbio A principal diferença entre o investimento mais tradicional, e binários, é a clara identificação de risco E recompensa antes de o comércio é feito Um investidor saberá exatamente quanto está em risco e, crucialmente, também sabe o valor exato de qualquer retorno potencial Isso não é o caso com investimentos tradicionais, onde os níveis finais de lucro ou perda não são conhecidos Até que o comércio é fechado. Como com outros investimentos, o comerciante deve primeiro decidir se eles acham que o valor do activo que eles estão negociando vai subir ou cair O grau da mudança de preço não é importante O comerciante está especulando puramente sobre se o preço vai Ser mais elevado ou mais baixo do que o preço atual, em um momento específico no futuro. Exemplo de comércio binário. Assim se um comerciante sentiu que o preço do óleo aumentaria, ele tomaria uma opção elevada no óleo um L Se, quando a opção expira mais nos prazos de expiração mais tarde, o preço é mais elevado, o comerciante ganha Eles receberão então o valor do comércio de volta, mais 65 a 95 Se o preço era menor no ponto de expiração, todo o investimento seria Ser perdido. Cada opção binária é uma proposta Sim Não Embora existam variações na opção Alta Baixa, este tipo de investimento terá sempre um preto e branco, Sim Não, resultado binário. Cada opção binária é oferecida com um tempo de expiração Isto é O ponto em que o comércio será fechado Assim, o preço no vencimento é o que vai decidir se um comércio ganhou ou perdeu Estes tempos de expiração pode variar de apenas 30 segundos, para um dia inteiro, até mesmo mais em algumas circunstâncias até Um ano cheio. Normalmente no entanto, essas opções digitais são usados para curto prazo de negociação geralmente em 30 minutos Expirries prazo mais longo eo elemento de risco fixo torná-los ferramentas úteis para hedging outros investimentos. Que é Binary Trading. O significado de negociação binária é o Por conseguinte, simplesmente a ação de colocar negociações binárias Os comerciantes podem investir em preços subindo ou descendo, ou ficar dentro de um determinado intervalo ou alcançar um valor predefinido Todos estes são variações de um comércio binário, e todos eles representam exemplos de negociação de opções binárias. Quando se refere à negociação, a visão é geralmente mais longo Neste ponto, o nível de pagamento se torna mais importante Como mencionado, estes variam de cerca de 65 a 95 algumas opções mais elaboradas podem ir ainda mais elevados Estes pagamentos vão variar de corretor para broker. Payouts também Mudança dependente do ativo e do tempo de expiração Diferenças podem ser significativas para que os comerciantes que procuram usar opções binárias de longo prazo, necessidade de comprar ao redor para encontrar o melhor pagamento para a classe de ativos ou classes que pretendem negociar fará uma enorme diferença na Longo prazo. Nós fornecemos um conjunto completo de serviços e informações para quem quer se envolver em negociação de opções binárias Essas opções oferecem um método de risco relativamente simples e limitado de pro Se em movimento de preços na maioria das principais classes de ativos É uma área crescente de negociação no Reino Unido, e essa é uma das razões pelas quais estamos com o objetivo de fornecer o guia definitivo para negociação binária no Reino Unido Entre em contato here. Legitimate , Investimento simples. Embora a negociação binária é uma forma crescente de investimento, continua a ser um produto relativamente desconhecido Ao longo do tempo, isso é susceptível de mudar Como as opções digitais como eles também são conhecidos oferecem um investimento muito simples, onde risco e recompensa é muito claro em O início. Um comércio binário é um simples resultado sim ou não Por exemplo, será um aumento de preço de ações em particular Ou será uma taxa de câmbio terminar inferior O para cima ou sim não resultado define o elemento binário A única questão além disso é sobre o que time scale the option is set for It might be as short as 30 seconds, it might be a month, a year or anywhere in between. High Risk High Return Investment. So binaries offer a simple trading choice, but they are also high risk high reward. I f the trader is correct, they will see a return on their investment of somewhere between 70 and 95 , paid as soon as the option period has settled perhaps within just a few minutes If the market moves against them, they lose their full investment There is however, no leveraged exposure with a binary trade, so the risk and reward ratio is also simple to manage. The simplicity gives binary trading it s strength It is a tool that can be used to hedge other investments, or can be operated as an investment vehicle in it s own right There are a wealth of trading strategies, and each caters for a specific investment need. Are Binary Options Safe. These fixed payout options have suffered from a poor reputation This is generally as a result of dishonest and irresponsible marketing, more than an issue with the product itself Binary options are high risk high reward and will not suit every investor With tighter regulation, and a better understanding by the wider public, these options can and will mo ve into the financial mainstream Which was where they originally developed. Read some of our trading guides to find out more. Alternatively, watch this video of the IQ Options platform, which shows how to place a binary trade. Brokers And Reviews. A binary option can be used in a number of ways, and across a huge array of commodities and markets This means finding the best broker, best account, or best trading platform, really depends on the needs of the individual investor. For example, some brokers may focus on forex foreign exchange binaries Others may focus on commodities options and only offer a handful of forex markets Likewise, the returns or payouts may differ between asset classes, and with these varying by as much as 25 , it is easy to see why this might be important when selecting a trading account. Investment limits may also point some investors either to, or away from, certain trading accounts Some brokers offer minimum trades of just 1, while others cater for investors willing to invest 200,000 in a single trade Again, when judging which binary trading platform is best, an investor will need to consider their own trading needs before deciding to open an account. How to compare the best trading platforms. Our comparison table delivers a quick summary of the key points when comparing brokers Our detailed reviews then allow potential new traders to assess some of the finer points that might confirm their decision Here is a list of some of the key comparison points for brokers. Over the counter or exchange traded options. Minimum deposit. Minimum trade Maximum trade. Trading platform. Asset lists. Expiry times available. Regulation FCA, CySec, CFTC etc. Range of options available. Bonus detailsplaints Customer feedback. Some points might be more important to certain traders than others So finding the best will be an individual choice for each new client Each broker review we write highlights all of the important facts a trader might want before making a decisions Demo accou nts are a good way to try a platform without any financial risks. Demo Accounts. Some of the difficulty in making such a decision has been removed by the brokers Most offer demo trading accounts These allow new clients to try the services on offer They can see if the range of markets and investment scales suit them and only proceed to a funded account when they are happy that the right trading account has been found. Most brokers will offer a demo account Those that do, have confidence in their trading platform, and are prepared to let new traders see it, and try it out, risk free The review for each broker will include whether it offers a demo in the Key Details section. The majority of these account will work on both the website, and also the mobile app So a trader can check both platforms and ensure they are happy before making a deposit The very best demo accounts are not time restricted, and allow traders to top up the balance if required This type of account allows the user to not ju st trial the broker, but also use the demo account to try a new trading strategy, or even back test a strategy based on past financial data. Trading Binaries. Here at we also provide insight into trading strategies We list the brokers and review their trading platform strengths and weaknesses We highlight where demo trading accounts are available and offer a range of guides that cover the basics In addition, we also cover more specialist subjects, like forex trading signals and winning strategy. Our broker reviews are written after genuine trading on each platform They include all aspects of each broker good or bad Any complaints we receive form part of the review Included are the important comparison factors such as the payouts, trading types, and minimum deposit requirements Uniquely, our reviews also include any complaints we have received about the brand, or problems traders have faced. The credibility of the reviews is important to us So they are checked and updated regularly and feed back we receive forms part of the overall rating In order for binary trading to move into the financial mainstream, comparison services need to be open, honest and transparent and that is what we try and deliver in our broker reviews. All of this is designed to provide investors with the definitive guide to binary options trading in the UK. Avoiding Scams. Binaries are not a scam There are however, brokers and signal providers that are untrustworthy and operate scams. It is important not to write off the concept of binary trading, purely based on dishonest brokers These scams continue to drag down the image of this form of trading Regulators are slowly starting to get to grips with these operations and the industry is being cleaned up If you want to complain about an operator, please let us know via our Contact Us page. Avoid scams with these simple checks. Make money online or Get rich quick marketing This is a huge red flag Digital options are a high risk high reward investment vehicle they are not a get rich quick scheme and should not be sold as such Operators making such claims are being dishonest. Cold Calls Reputable brokers will rarely make cold calls they do not need to Cold calls will generally be from untrustworthy brokers Tread extremely carefully if proceeding with a company that got in contact this way This could include email contact. Bonus Terms and Conditions If taking a bonus, read the terms and conditions Some terms include tying in any initial deposit as well as the bonus funds until turnover requirements are met The initial deposit is still the trader s money honest brokers will not lay claim to it before any trading has actually been done The better brokers will also offer the option of cancelling a bonus if it does not suit the trader CySec, the leading regulator, has recently banned the use of deposit match bonuses a s they believe it leads to clients over-trading. Account Managers Be very wary of any account manager wishing to trade on behalf of clients There is an obvious conflict of interest These managers generally encourage traders to trade with figures way beyond their means Traders should be very reluctant to let anyone trade on their behalf One high profile broker recently closed down, due mainly to the damage done to it s reputation by this process of upselling. A trader must know their broker Seems obvious but some operators will funnel clients to a brokers of their choosing, not the clients If the marketing demands new clients sign up with a particular broker, or they pick the broker from a limited list do not proceed A trader should know the broker they are going to trade with. Being aware of the above methods should help those new to binary trading to avoid the less responsible brands Improved regulation and more awareness will hopefully reduce these types of complaints This will allow bi naries to move into the financial mainstream which is where they evolved from. Binary brokers are regulated via a number of bodies CySec regulate the majority of brokers based in Cyprus and Israel In the UK however, a stronger layer of consumer protection is available if a broker is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Some firms also register with the FCA but this is not the same as regulation This is an important distinction. In the US the CFTC have only licensed two brokers to operate there Nadex and CBOE Some firms are also regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority, or the Isle of Man GSC For an in depth look at the history of regulation within the binary industry, read our article Binary Options regulation. A brief history The concept of a binary, or digital , option has existed for many years They were however, initially only available to large scale investors institutions, wealthy individuals and funds The options were provided over the counter In 2008 however, the US Sec urities and Exchange Commission allowed these fixed return options to be traded over an exchange. This allowed the Chicago Board Options Exchange CBOE and the American Stock Exchange to offer binary trading on certain underlying assets Initially, the range of assets was limited, as were the choice of options Nadex also began offering exchange traded options in the US as the market developed. Demand For Digital Trades Grows. As popularity grew however, the traded assets moved beyond Forex and equities and the options types expanded as well Rapid developments in software, and the globalisation of trading generally, led to a boom in these digital options and the expansion continues. The barriers to entry for potential market makers or brokers are much lower in the binary sector This, coupled with the boom in internet trading over a similar period, has left regulation lagging behind the industry. Regulations in one area may not apply in another and therefore internet based firms can move operat ions to the region that suits them best This has however, led to a number of brokers operating outside of the law. The growth of binaries however, is unlikely to slow The simplicity, coupled with the clarity of risk, allows almost anyone to take a view on a particular asset but manage their risk much more easily than in any other form of trading. Below are some of the topics we are asked about most often regarding binary trading Hopefully these short paragraphs can provide an answer but if not, there are a number of links to more in-depth articles that will explain each subject area in more detail. Beginners Guide. Binary option trading is, put very simply, the trading of binary , or digital options These options pay a fixed return if they are successful referred to as in the money , but the full investment is lost, should the binary trade lose Almost every asset class can be traded via binaries, including foreign exchange forex , commodities, such as oil and gold prices, stocks and indice s Binary trading then, is the act of buying or selling these options. A binary option is a way for traders to speculate on an asset price They payout a fixed return if correct, but the investment is lost if they are not They could also be described as a fixed payout financial option. This all or nothing structure is why the options are called binary They are sometimes referred to as digital options, or fixed return options for the same reason. Binaries can be traded over-the-counter or traded on an exchange They are generally traded over a variety of expiry times These can range from very short periods of time as low as 30 seconds up to a year They are a high risk, high return investment vehicle and will not suit every investor. How to place a binary trade. Steps to open a binary trade. Identify the underlying asset to trade e g the price of gold, the Facebook share price or the GBP USD exchange rate. Set the expiry time The time the option will end , and d ecide on the size of the trade or i nvestment. Decide if the value will rise or fall Call or Put. Binaries are traded online There are a range of brokers, all of whom will provide binary trading via dedicated websites and also across mobile devices via apps Some will offer binaries over the counter , others via an exchange but they all follow the same process to open a trade. These trading platforms will vary to a certain degree, but many will share common features Most of these brokers will offer demo accounts, enabling potential new clients to try out their trading platform. The steps above will apply at every single broker As a trader gets more advanced, more layers of complexity can be added, but in essence, the attraction of a binary option is in the simplicity, and ease of managing risk. In terms of strategy, and how to trade these type of options well they are a unique investment There are a number of strategies and trading styles From technical analysis to fundamental research Trader education will be key to any succe ss in binary trading Our articles will hopefully provide both education and up to date news Allowing traders to improve their results month on month. Put Options And Call Options. Put and Call options are simply the terms given to buying or selling an option If a trader believes an asset will go up in value, they will open a call If they expect the value to fall, they will place a put trade. Some binary trading brokers will change their trading buttons every couple of seconds, from Call and Put, to Down and Up to avoid confusion Others dispense with the terms put and call entirely Again, most trading platforms will make it extremely clear which direction a trader is opening an option in. Trading Strategy. Binary trading strategies will be an individual choice In our strategy section, there are ideas that traders might want to explore Technical analysis might be of use to some traders, alongside charts and price action research Likewise money management might be of great value to others Agai n, it is a learning process to find the best methods in each case Our articles should help. Are Binary Options Gambling. It depends entirely on the attitude of the trader If a trader applies no strategy or research, them any investment is likely to be reliant on good fortune On the other hand, a trader making a well thought out trade will ensure they have done all they can to avoid relying on luck Read our in-depth look at whether binary trading is gambling. Signals are an alert, sent to traders, highlighting a trade that the provider believes will be profitable They can be communicated via a range of methods email, SMS or from a live signal website Much of the irresponsible marketing associated with the scams highlighted earlier, is linked to signals There are some very good providers out there too However, in general, learning how to trade binaries is generally a safer route than using signals to compensate for a lack of trading knowledge. Do signals work. Sometimes, but rarely in isolati on Some providers will deliver a combination of education alongside signals and that represents a good mix Traders must be able to fully assess a signal before they can judge the quality of them So learning binary options is important We explore these signals in more depth in our signals section We also highlight some of the best providers. Copy Trading. Copy trading is a growing sector of investing It allows users to copy the trades of others Those copying decide how much to invest, and whether to copy some or all of the trades that a particular trader opens. The traders being copied also benefit, as the broker will often reward these clients through commission based on the trade volume they generate. Copy trading or social trading is a useful function for those people without the time or knowledge to trade themselves When copying however, time and effort spent finding the right traders to follow will pay dividends. Robots and Auto Trading. Robots are auto trading software or algorithms tha t allow traders to automate their trading Users have a choice of how to use these robots Often, they are sold as an automated signal service These type of operations however, see a higher level of scams than other areas Any form of automated trading carries a high level of risk, and a large amount of due diligence is required when trying to find the right robot service. An alternative approach is for traders to build their own robots A growing number of brokers now offer traders the ability to put their own trading robot together, using simple tools These often allow combinations of technical analysis settings, that then open trades when those criteria are met It has made binary options robots available to everyone Read more about how to use robots. Binary Option trading guides. Step by Step Guide to Binary Options trading. Select a broker Use our comparison tables to find the best broker, and either deposit funds or open a demo account. Select the asset or market to trade Commodity, Stocks , Forex or Indices The price of oil, or the Apple stock price, for example. Select the expiry time Options can expire anywhere between 30 seconds up to a year. Set the size of the trade Remember 100 of the investment is at risk. Click Buy or Sell Will the asset value rise or fall. Check and confirm the trade Most brokers show a confirmation screen for traders to ensure the details are correct. The binary trade has been placed. Advantages Of Binaries. Many of the advantages of using binaries are related or linked Here we list some of the benefits to using this form of investment not just for the retail investor, but also to the market makers or brokers. Risk management. Managing risk when trading binaries is very simple The amount of the trade, is the full amount that is at risk This simplifies the risk not only for the trader, but for the broker too This clarity is fundamentally different to most other forms of investment. Both the trade size and the payout are known before an option is opened W ith most other investments, neither figure is absolute While traders might deploy a stop loss or other risk mitigation technique nothing presents risk and reward as simply as a fixed payout option. Administration Costs. The certainty of risk and reward provides a solid foundation for brokers to operate, and manage their overall position This allows them to create processes to protect themselves further, by using a liquidity provider or hedging their own positions. The real advantage however, is that the accurate levels of risk makes the expensive costs of clearing houses unnecessary This cost, not to mention the associated regulatory pressure, is less of an issue for binary brokers This low barrier to entry is however, a double edged sword Brokers have been able to setup and operate with little or no regulatory oversight and this attracted some dubious operators. Leverage is not generally available with binary trading This benefits the broker again, as it means all trades must be traded in full before they can be opened In other words, no trader can default on a trade. Where a trader operates with leverage, they are effectively trading on credit Should things go wrong, there is a real risk of the broker not being paid. It is also true however, that a lack of leverage also benefits traders While some will argue that it restricts their ability to profit Many retail investors can lose large sums unwittingly by using leverage. Trader Choice. Layers of complexity can be added to the standard fixed payout option, that allow it to be used in a range of way From a ladder option, to boundary trades or more advanced nesting of options binaries can be used in a huge variety of ways. Where a trader wants to take a position on a certain underlying asset, a binary trade offers the greatest level of flexibility They even provide a mechanism to speculate on a market remaining flat, or to take a view not on the value itself but the trade volume of the underlying asset. Some of these benefits have been lost in the debate or simply swamped by a combination of misinformation, financial snobbery, and the dishonest practices of some operators None of these factors should taint the vehicle itself, which remains a sound, high risk high return financial product. Binary options trading is a high risk investment tool It may not be suitable for every investor None of the information on these pages should be considered as financial advice. Binary Options Strategies Trading Strategies for Binary Options Traders.5 minutes of your time Learn how to make 200 returns in less than 20 minutes with this simple binary options trading strategy Easy as Pie. Have you ever heard this promising slogan before In case you haven t, I must assume that you are not a real binary options trader I don t know even one person who trades over the internet and didn t come across this inviting statement Any simple search for binary options tips or binary options strategy ends up with a few glowing websites who off er their visitors opportunities such as this Everybody s is getting richer online and it feels like you are the only one left outside the rolling wagon, just lying on the dirt while trying to figure for yourself how do hell do these binary options actually work Well, if it s so simple, why didn t I think about it myself Am I an idiot 5 minutes of my time, 200 profits, so easy isn t it. Do you still believe it The problem is that too many people actually do believe it s so easy Now if you still don t know what is a binary options strategy read this article before. Our Recommended Binary Options Strategies. The Guppy system uses EMA s to identify trends and has been turned into a perfect strategy for binary options traders by Okane and the Geek. November 14, 2016 by Bogdan G. Trend and retracements the bread and butter of trading binary options successfully Use moving averages and TDI for an easy way to trade. October 27, 2016 by Bogdan Gbining Ichimoku, Bressert and TDI for the ultimate binar y options trading recipe How does it taste What are the drawbacks Read and find out. September 21, 2016 by Bogdan G. How to make money with a strategy that is Not a Money Making Machine Classic indicators mixed together with trader knowledge can make bank. Easy to trade Daily time frame strategy with flexible expiry time and just two rules Time frame can be adjusted to a lower one like hourly or four hours. Moving averages and their multiple uses, a must have binary options tool for all traders One Indicator with a million uses, here s everything you need to know. February 8, 2016 by Okane. The D1 Strategy is a divergence strategy that works for binary options traders Check it out and see for yourself, as simple as that. February 23, 2016 by Okane. The 4 Candles Strategy is an Advanced breakout Strategy that can definitely work for binary options traders so let s take a look. The volume weighted average price indicator review in details presented here It can be turned into a strategy perfect fo r short term binary options trading. February 21, 2016 by Bogdan G. Build your own indicator for binary options trading by combining an oscillator with a moving average Description of the full system using the newly created indicator. Trading Binary Options with a Real Strategy. Yes, it s true Binary Options trading could generate high profits in a relatively short amount of time Think about it the average return in the binary options industry is around 70 , and expiry times available to trade stretch from as little as 1 minute to the end of the day It means that a successful investment could generate 70 profit in around 15 minutes An experienced lucky trader could turn 100 into 300 by the end of the day, everything is possible with a vast knowledge of the markets and a pinch of pure luck The reason these traders make so much money with binary options is because they have enough experience to understand that risk management and strategy play a crucial rule in binary options trading They kn ow how to use their arsenal of strategies, they know when and how and they know how to manage their trading portfolio Yes, it s important to stay contacted until financial news, and it s also important to have some knowledge of the financial markets, but it s much more crucial to understand the simple tactics of trading binary options and then implying it well This binary options strategy section will discuss the burning issues of choosing the right binary options strategy. Melhor que as estratégias binárias estratégia de negociação Suck, e que não t. Muitas das estratégias que você pode encontrar hoje sobre a rede não são mais do que golpes Aqueles que lhe oferecem altos lucros com uma estratégia simples são na sua maioria apenas vendendo peixe fedido em um saco No entanto, Algumas dessas estratégias poderiam realmente testar essas estratégias para você ver se eles sujam ou não. to use a specific binary options trading strategy. Choosing the right strategy and performing it well is not an easy task at all The trader has to first identify the opportunity, then performing the right moves at the right time With the right knowledge and guidance, together with good practice, a trading strategy could become quite useful and even very profitable Luckily, specialists are here to explain you how do each strategy works However, it s important to learn the strategy and practice it before real trading Some brokers offer a Demo account which is great for practice, but you can also trade manually just write down the asset value and time when you buy the asset, and then checks the final value in the asset trading history Every broker has it. Remember Even the best binary options Strategies suck sometimes. Binary Options. Learn How to Trade Binary Options. Binary Options have been around for a while now but recently since 2008 have been a hit among the new traders They were origin ally introduced as Digital Options and basically, binary means 2 values and in the case of finance mean up and down This series will be dedicated to teaching the logistics of Trading Binary Options, the in s and out s along with various Binary Options Trading Strategies. Since Binary Options are derivatives rely on underlying assets , the lessons outlined here may overlap with other series Especially the case with Forex since that is the market that I focus my attention on because I find it easier to use Forex as the underlying asset for Binary Options Trading compared to other markets Thus, the lessons here will give you the ability to trade Forex Binary Options. It doesn t take a genius to realize how flawed the binary options industry is nowadays Internet marketers have destroyed the markets by flooding it with misleading information and products Doing a simple search on Youtube or Google will yield 100 s of binary options scams I couldn t stand by and watch, as more and more traders were being misled on a daily basis So I ve made a series of binary options educational videos here at Financial Trading School to help new and old traders alike. As you ll soon realize after watching my videos, I m not here to bullshit you or waste your time At the same time however, I m not here to hold your hand, trading binary options is a hard task and is not fit for everyone All of the videos I ve provided are free of charge and are uploaded on Youtube, so you can watch them at your leisure anytime and anywhere you want All of the lessons are taught from a neutral standpoint, what you do with the information is up to you This is where the hard work comes in, you re expected to put in the effort to figure out Don t worry too much though, I provide plenty of chart examples to illustrate the theory. Below you ll find the complete index of all my lessons in the Binary Options BO series Simply click on the course code to watch the lessons, also please take note of the pre - and co-requisi tes I hope the videos help you as you venture into the world of Binary Options. PS Some of the lessons were taken from my original How to Trade Binary Options series from Financial Trading Journal, so you might see some overlap in content. Binary Options 100 Series. Like in university, intro courses cover broad topics within a discipline and that s exactly what the Binary Options 100 series is for Within the 100 series, you ll learn about the basics of binary options, logistics of how things work, mechanics of trading and basic strategies that teach you How to Trade Binary Options. Keep in mind that this is the 100 series, so it s intended to be easy since it s only the intro series The more complicated strategies and aspects of trading will be covered in the 200 and 300 series, while all of the higher level thought processes will be saved for the 400 series. BO101 Introduction to Binary Options Updated Jan 16th, 2013.Explanation of what binary options are, how they work and where to Trade Binary Options, basically just a general overview for the industry In a nut shell, these are digital options trading the directionality of the underlying asset using fixed trade sizes set to expire within a fixed time frame. No Deposit Required Demo Account. BO103 Recommended Charting Platforms. Just a short clip on which charting platforms to use for their respective instruments I get this question all the time from my students, so here you go Co-requisites GT109 GT110 GT111 GT112 GT113 and GT115.This is probably the most common yet also misunderstood concept of Binary Options Trading You need to know the break even ratio in order to know what percentage of trades you need to win to profit Download. This is the newbie strategy that I used back when I started Trading Binary Options Pretty simple concept, got it from Dog s thread on HotStockMarkets. Not sure what chart timeframes you should be looking at This should explain the topic of picking the appropriate timeframe to look based on your expiry times Prerequisite GT106.Pinbar candle sticks have a small body with a long wick on one side, used primarily to spot reversal patterns I go over some chart examples here from my newbie days Prerequisite GT105.Doji candle sticks have a small body with a long wick on both sides, used primarily to spot new directional patterns I go over chart examples from my newbie days here as well, although not as many Prerequisite GT105.Engulfing candle sticks come in pairs, where the current candle stick is bigger than the previous candle Like Doji s and Pinbar s, these are used primarily to spot reversal patterns A few of the chart examples involve the MSM strategy, which at this point in time, I don t have the video revamped yet So please refer to Ep 9 MSM Strategy in my old How to Trade Binary Options series Prerequisite GT105.Take Small Trades to Extend Your Demo. New traders are often concerned with the difference in price between charting platforms and brokers In this lesson, I explain t hat it doesn t have to be a concern and the logic behind why. Now that the basics of trading have been covered, we can start worrying about Money Management and the logistics behind every trade In this lesson, I walk through the various methods of Money and Risk Management while trading Binary Options. Although there are 4 different types of assets that can be traded using Binary Options, I personally prefer Forex and students who watch my lessons usually follow suit as well The next logical question is, which are the best Forex pairs to be trading. This lesson is placed in the 100 series for a reason New traders often find the urge to trade around news release because they ve seen the aftermath and think it s easy to trade news Well, it s actually not, news is one of the most common causes to wipe a new trader s account I outline the reasons why things can go wrong before and after news release in this lesson. Since Binary Options is a derivative instrument, you can only trade as well the underlying markets If the underlying markets are bad due to volume issues or liquidity, then you ll likely have a hard time trading as well Thus, in this lesson, I go over the best trading hours for binary options Prerequisites GT107 GT116.Regardless of having a good or a bad trade, you should know how to react so that your emotions don t affect your next trade Although this is a psychology lesson, it s being placed here because it pertains more to Binary Options than it does to general trading Speaking of which, it builds on content already presented in the psychology lessons of the GT200 series. Binary Options 200 Series. Now that you ve learned the basics from the 100 series, the Binary Options 200 series will dive into the intermediate topics now The primary focus of the 200 series will be on Trading Binary Options using Price Action Techniques Plus some of the lessons will elaborate on topics discussed within the 100 series. Focus is on showing various chart examples using the Fibon acci Retracement drawing tool Prerequisite GT118.Wipe Out Just Speak to Support to Top Up. Price Action Techniques. BO202 Support Resistance Levels BO203 Trend Lines BO204 Determination of Market Types. Price Action Factors. BO100 series Candle Stick Formations BO205 Pattern Formations BO206 Chart Setups aka The Big Picture BO207 Expiry Times BO208 News Trading Part 2 BO209 Hedging Strategies Many more to come in the future. Introduction of the 1st out of 3 price action techniques Brief overview of what Support and Resistance levels are used for and the basic set up for the chart examples in part 2 and 3 Prerequisites GT110 GT202 Part 1 and BO103.BO202 Part 2 Support Resistance Bounces Warning Lesson is 70 minutes long. Detailed explanation of how probability trading works for S R level bounces along with the trade conditions and entries for the chart examples Prerequisites BO202 Part 1.BO202 Part 3 Support Resistance Breakouts Warning Lesson is 70 minutes long. Detailed explanation of how br eak outs should be traded, roles of broken S R levels along with trade entries for the chart examples Prerequisites BO202 Part 2 and GT202 Part 2 Corequisite GT203.Experience Trumps Knowledge, Start Trading on Demo. Introduction of the 2nd out of 3 price action techniques Brief overview of what Trend Lines are typically used for and the basic set up for the chart examples in part 2 Prerequisites GT111 BO106 BO201 and all 3 parts of BO202.BO203 Part 2 Using Trend Lines Warning Lesson is 54 minutes long. Detailed explanation of how trending markets are traded using trend lines Including how to connect the dots, probability trading, trade entries and angle of the trend lines In addition, I outline the various stages of a trend breakouts, pullbacks and continuation Prerequisites BO203 Part 1.BO204 Determination of Market Types. This lesson explains the 3rd and final price action technique Now that you ve learned both techniques independently, it s time to put them together to help determine t he market type Prerequisites All parts of BO202 and BO203.You MUST watch the prerequisite prior to watching this lesson This lesson is unlike the others since it follows a test format whereby I have 2 slides 1 chart without annotations and 1 chart with the annotated patterns I pause between slides to give you time to guess the pattern that is found within the chart Thus, to fully utilize this lesson, you should have the proper prep prior to watching this Prerequisites GT203.BO206 Chart Setups aka The Big Picture. I walk you through the steps that I use to set up my charts on a weekly basis for the FX Weekly Analysis found on my blog This is equivalent to doing homework as a trader since it s beneficial to be prepared prior to trading the markets Corequisites GT110, BO106 and the Price Action techniques. Previous lessons have always assumed that you should trade the closest expiry time and avoid trades for the next expiry time while being locked out for the current expiry This lesson show s you how to count candles to determine when it s ok to trade beyond the current expiry. Test your Strategy Risk Free on Demo. This lesson is made for those of you who didn t heed my warning in BO113 News Trading Part 1 However unlike that lesson, this is placed in the 200 series You re expected to have prior knowledge of price action by this point BO202 BO204 to understand how to react to the markets This will help when you re trading around news release For those of you who watched part 1 and immediately skipped to this lesson, at least watch the price action lessons first Prerequisite BO113 GT304.This lesson continues on from topics covered in GT302 Hedging Part 1 focuses on reducing losses where you re already in your trade and you need to hedge yourself These strategies are primarily geared for people trading longer than 10 minute expiry times I explain how shorter expiry traders will have a hard time hedging their trades Like in GT302, I walk through 3 scenarios where you can utili ze hedging strategies Prerequisite GT302.This lesson elaborates on the topic of risk spreading , which was presented at the end of GT303 Diversification While part 1 focuses on reducing losses when you re already in the trade, part 2 focuses on methods that can be implemented prior to entry Note Part 2 isn t explicitly a substitute nor a complement to part 1, you can either use both alone or combined Prerequisite GT303.Binary Options 300 Series. Unlike the 100 or 200 series, the Binary Options 300 series will primarily focus on Binary Options Trading Strategies This is basically what most people try to find as a new trader but I ve placed these strategies in the 300 series for a reason New traders often try to find the holy grail , the one strategy will work for them What they don t understand is, without a solid foundation, the strategy is meaningless. From learning Price Action in the 200 series, you ll soon realize that the majority of strategies discussed here is derived from Price A ction Techniques This is why I placed the Price Action lessons in the beginning of the 200 series since I view these as the core lessons. BO301 60 Second Options Part 1 133 Tick Charts. This is revamped 60 second options strategy video from Ep 1 of my original How to Trade Binary Options video series The new additions include full details on how to set up your TOS charts to look like mine, which charting platform to use and also touch on the price differential spread between TOS and the brokers. BO301 60 Second Options Part 2 Price Action. This is a temporary placeholder lesson until I have time to make a full blown lesson with chart examples For the time being, the method alone should suffice In this lesson, I ve outlined the method on how to trade 60 or 30 second binary options using a price action approach In a nutshell, just apply price action techniques on intra-minute charts Prerequisite BO200 Series Specifically BO202, BO203 BO204.Trade on Demo before Trading Live. BO302 Stochastic O scillator TBA For now, refer to old How to Trade Binary Options series. BO303 Momentum, Stochastic, MACD Setup TBA For now, refer to old How to Trade Binary Options series. BO304 Heiken Ashi Smoothed TBA For now, refer to old How to Trade Binary Options series. BO305 Chris Floyd Bounce Mod TBA For now, refer to old How to Trade Binary Options series. Binary Options 400 Series. The 400 series will contain advanced level topics, not suitable for the other series You ll only appreciate these lessons if you ve been trading for a long time because to a new trader, these lessons may seem mundane But to an experienced trader, this could be that extra edge that you need. Furthermore, the lessons contained here will require you to have mastered the lessons in the earlier series Some lessons will be completely brand new but for the most part, you can think of these lessons as the culmination of the earlier lessons. BO401 Time Sensitive Trades TBA. BO402 Martingale Trading TBA.7 Binary Options.7 Binary O ptions. Currently, there are more than 400 trading platforms or brokers This was not the case in 2008 when binary options trading started since there were about 10 trading platforms The emergence of many brokers has been good since it has created high competition, which is beneficial to investors in terms of more bonuses and high returns. Binary Options Broker Comparison. When you start trading in binary options one of the most important decisions is in choosing the right broker This is a task we have made easy for you since we have looked and tested for the most reliable and best brokers and included them on our binary options broker comparison. Browse our website with full confidence, we provide most reliable, accurate and up to date info about brokers from all over the world. Get started with 3 easy steps. Choose a broker from the list below. Best Binary Options Brokers and Trading Platforms. Register a broker account. I personally use six different brokers for trading and recommend all seri ous traders to open a few accounts to different brokers in order to have a good variety of assets. Start trading with four easy steps. Best Binary Option Brokers 2016.Currently, there is no regulator who can oversee and regulate all binary options and Forex activities across the world Over the years, there has been a remarkable increase in these trades This may be attributed to the increased accessibility and advances in technology across the globe As a result, various regulatory bodies have been formed to regulate binary options and Forex activities. In most cases, such bodies operate within certain geographical regions and their main task is to monitor the various binary options and binary brokers in such regions in a bid to protect traders and monitor the best practises by such brokers. Many binary options and Forex brokers have enticing trading platforms in addition to a horde of fabulous attractions for their traders With this in mind, many traders are wondering whether it is okay to just invest in any binary options or Forex broker The truth is that not all brokers in the market today are reputable In the U S A, for instance, there are strict regulations that have been imposed for the brokers in the region to be in a position to accept US-based traders. It is such regulations that make some brokers not to accept traders from certain geographical regions Rather than go through all the trouble to ascertain the best brokers in the market, we have researched the market comprehensively and are happy to present to your the best binary options and Forex brokers this year. All the binary options and Forex brokers we have recommended on this page have been tested and approved to be genuine and to deliver up to their promise We have also gone a step further to group the recommended brokers according to the regions they operate in best indian binary options brokers As such, you just have to find your preferred broker from the following list, based on your geographical location , after which you just need to sign up and start trading right away. Recommended Brokers in the US. Currently, there are two main regulatory bodies for all binary options and Forex brokers in the United States The two bodies are the Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC and the National Futures Association NFA According to the current regulations, it is not illegal for any broker to accept traders who are based in the United States However, if any dispute arises between the trader and the broker, the broker, either binary options or Forex, will be liable for prosecution in the recent past, the majority of such prosecutions have led to hefty fines and penalties on the side of the brokers. As a result of this, there have been two distinct categories of binary options and Forex brokers that accept US-based traders These categories are the brokers who are duly regulated by any of the two regulatory bodies in the U S A and the offshore brokers, who are not regulated by any of the two bodie s. Most of the us binary options brokers accepting US-based traders have trading platforms that are faultless However, you still need to do your own research on any given broker, prior to trading with them However, we have made the process much easier for you we have researched, tried and verified the brokers in our recommended list to be effective and genuine. Best Brokers Accepting US Customers. Status of Binary Options Trading in Russia. In Russia, binary options trading is viewed as a serious means of investment However, as of this time, there are no official binary regulations in Russia A great many of wealthy Russian residents opt to invest offshore and they make no exception when it comes to binary options trading The issue that arises in this situation is that offshore investments are out of reach for the Russian government regulations and tax laws. The recent increase in capital export from Russia is a clear indicator that the majority of those who trade binary options would rather offset their investments to offshore binary options brokers than deal with the few companies that trade binary options in Russia. A great deal of the binary options brokers that originated in Russia are noticing this trend toward offshore investments and are now looking to be registered or relocated elsewhere Cyprus is always a preferred location due to their low-tax and investment friendly persona that is present in this country. Case in point Dragon Options, a Russian binary options broker, is licensed via CySEC Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission there is currently an estimated 31 billion in Russian funds in bank accounts in Cyprus Therefore, you can certainly ascertain that a lot of these funds include investments in binary options. There also exist some limitations to the amount of money that foreign clients who want to invest in binary options in Russia can send in foreign currency deposits Presently, bank transfers from certain foreign banks and or countries are considered i llegal either under Russian law, or by the dictates of the economic sanctions. Also, there are limitations as to the amount of money that foreign clients who wish to trade with binary options are able to send via foreign currency Currently, transfers from certain banks are considered illegal from certain foreign countries and banking institutions under Russian law and economic sanctions. The current status of binary options trading in Russia is as follows.1 Binary options trading is legal in Russia.2 Binary options brokers in Russia are not regulated.3 CySEC regulated brokers appear to be the preferred method of trading for those who currently trade binary options in Russia.4 Any binary options trading that take place in companies based in Russia are subject to taxation.5 Sanctions are currently a threat to binary options trading and investments of Russian citizens. Implications for Binary Options Traders in Russia. A primary reason for concern for those who trade binary options in Russia is the effect that the sanctions have on their investments A great number of sanctions have been placed on Russian business and this has had an effect on business when it comes to financial dealing with Western banks As well it has restricted access to many foreign markets. For example, it is now going to be quite challenging for Russian citizen to participate in binary options trading with those American-based corporations that provide services for overseas clients including Cantor Exchange It is going to be just as difficult for Russian residents to trade with core EU binary options trading platforms Those brokers located in Cyprus are lucky isolated from this situation however, there is no guarantee that this will be the case in the future. As part of the bailout to redeem the government in Cyprus from bankruptcy in 2013, the Laiki Bank which was the second biggest financial institution in Cyprus, was closed Those with accounts containing greater than 100,000 Euros were shut down and their funds were expropriated by the government in Cyprus Any outstanding debts were transferred to the Bank of Cyprus, which then exploited a very large portion of those aforementioned accounts as well as those accounts containing over 1 million Euros Most of those accounts were owned by Russian investors.1 Those accounts are on hold with locally based binary options brokers thus subjecting those holders to the tax dragnet.2 Maintaining the status quo with those trading accounts with offshore brokers, which contain the risk of more sanctions. Due to these crippling sanctions, and falling oil prices the Russian government is in grave danger of a major crisis At some point, there will be a need to increase taxation or at least broaden it as much as possible with will be primary focus on binary options trading investments. Thus as a result, binary options investors in Russia are also faced with the situation that their currency is rapidly depreciation as it is directly affected by the sanc tions In these situations, there is a tendency to rush to switch the local currency for a more stable foreign one such as the US dollar The government will thus respond by setting strict limitations as to how much foreign currency a Russian resident is able to purchase or have in their bank accounts This is indeed a dire and sticky situation for all those involved. The Future of Binary Options Regulation in Russia. Heading into the future, binary options traders will have to make a great deal of tough decisions The decrease in the Rouble means that Russian traders will now have to pay higher rates to set up an account with an offshore broker These trades will also have to be done with caution as the selection of brokers is now a cause for detailed considerations. There was already an increased frenzy for Euros and US in Russia in November of 2014 as many Russian citizens were in a rush to secure funds It may be beneficial for those in Russia who wish to trade binary options to consider br okers in those areas without the stamina of the US or EU due to the sanctions If they do so, there is a far better chance that their investment will be a lot more secure. Tips for Comparing and Choosing a Binary Options Trading Broker. The world of trading offers many exciting opportunities and they can be best enjoyed with the guidance of a binary options broker Choosing a broker that works best for your trading needs can be a daunting and frightening experience but it s a necessary one for certain The brokers can help them perform better when trading and instruct them on getting the best return on their investment. There are several binary options brokers out there who are eager to assist you as a client However, it is important to remember that choosing a binary options broker can be a detailed process and it s important to find one that is capable of performing all of the necessary trading tasks Below are some helpful tips to simplify the process and assist with finding the best broke r for your trading needs.1 Deposit bonus how much bonus you get on your first deposit and redeposit.2 Payout Binary options trading produces varied payouts Some brokers present variable options that allow them to exit the options prior to the expiration date Sometimes brokers for example 24Option allow payouts as great as ninety one percent per trade The goal for most people in trading is to make money and with a great binary broker, they can succeed In addition, look for the following benefits. Various Payment Options High Bonuses Outstanding Customer Support.3 Deposit and withdrawal options the trading platforms have different ways of depositing and withdrawing money Check the one that is suitable for you.4 Types of stock options and warrants closing times.5 Minimum deposit trading platforms require different amounts of minimum deposit for you to start trading Look for the one that is suitable for you.6 Trading tools some trading platforms may have trading signals and automatic tradin g while some do not have Choose the platform depending on the trading tools that you prefer.7 Demo account various trading platforms cater for its binary options traders, especially the first time investors by providing them with a demo account This helps to create experience in trading before ones does the actual trading.8 Customer service find out if the trading platform has good customer service to cater for all your enquiries concerning binary option trading.9 Simple User Interface This is a dependable and professionally structured trading program that offers a simple user interface This helps to conserve time and effort for the user The majority of the programs are web based and should be and is recognized as a simple program with interactive controls.10 Multiple Asset Investing One of the major benefits of professional software is that is doesn t restrict investing Dependable binary options brokers should provide a means for investors to make multiple investments in various asset s such as forex commodities and stocks This increases the profit margin for the investor.11 Expiry Dates Info Dependable brokers offer expiry dates on a weekly frequency, while offering some daily or hourly options as well The maximum trade control is obtained only when maximum expiry details exists.12 Payout of Maximum Percentage Dependable brokers offer their clients maximum payout percentage Search for trade option platforms that present between 75 to 91 percent payout and even the unsuccessful trades will generate about a 5 to 10 percent return to investors.13 Multiple Languages Global trading options makes it extremely beneficial to have multiple languages and therefore, the platforms are being presented to support the language spectrum as well. Despite the trading platforms having a lot in common, their way of trading may differ in terms of bonuses, initial deposit, the maximum payout, their means of depositing and withdrawing money, time of trading and their customer service You may also find trading platforms, which give back to the trader a certain percentage of their investment if they do not win the returns Therefore, it is important to find out information about the trading platforms before deciding on the ones to use Using a binary option robot is often also profitable. Basics of Binary Option Trading. What Types of Assets Are Available. Binary trading offers a wide variety of trading options including commodities, currency pairs indices and stocks With all of these options, you are not limited to one type of trading asset only, opening you to an exciting world of trading You now have the ability to trade Apple stock foreign currencies, gold or silver from the same trading platform You have the option to trade internationally without having to go back and forth between various brokers. The good thing is that many of these top brokers allow traders to utilize their trading platforms without any issues and offer a wide array of indices and stocks from both Asi a and Europe All of your trades can be basically done on the same site without having to switch between multiple screens and systems Binary options brokers are essentially a one-stop site for all of your trading needs. How Long Is the Average Trade. When trading binary options, you need to keep in mind that every trade has a strict time frame that you need to adhere They vary in length from 60 seconds or longer You get to choose which time frame best fits your lifestyle If you aren t a fan of waiting around for productive trades, you can opt for 5 minute or even 60 seconds trading If you have more patience, there are 60 minute trades or longer trading options available as well. One of the important things to remember regarding expiry times is that they are able to be changed only until you have made a commitment to that particular trade Once you have authorized a specific trade, you simply sit back and wait until it is completed This differs from other types of financial trading in which you can sell your accumulated shares at any time There are brokers that will let you sell your trade for a minimal refund However this is a rare situation for those who are more experience at trading binary options. Most Common Types of Binary Options. In binary options, there are three main kinds of trades.1 The first is called the call put option In this type of trade, you simply need to predict whether the price of a particular asset will rise or fall by the expiry time.2 One-touch trades are when you are issued a target price from the start of a trade If your chosen asset reaches that set price during the expiry time, you will profit This set price is determined by your specific broker well before you execute the trade so you will have time to do your research and prepare in advance.3 The final of these three common trades is called the boundary trade The broker will issue a variety of prices and you must determine if the price of the asset will remain in the given range or fall outs ide of the targeted range. Each of these trades offers a few variations and some of the more exotic varieties of each often have substantial payouts as high as even 300 depending upon your individual broker An example of this is one touch trades that have an uncommon target rate In order to achieve this type of payout, you need to opt for the option that is hardest to reach, in other words, you would need to predict that yes, and the far off price will in fact be the end result of the trade These trades produce higher return as they are most often more difficult to achieve the correct result. Which Binary Option Should I Choose. It is up to you to ultimately determine which type of asset is best for you You first need to evaluate your level of experience Do you have experience with the Forex market and are looking for a new and more profitable way to trade If this applies to you, you will easily be able to apply your strategies to the binary options market Or does your expertise come from day trading Are you looking to rid yourself of some of the risk involved in day trading Then binary options can certainly benefit you as you have the ability to focus on those assets with which you are most familiar. However, the factor that should ultimately drive your chose of trade is your personal trading goals You should first determine your specific goals and then devise a plan to these goals Say you want to make about a thousand dollars a week, then you need to decide which options will essentially help you reach this goal as well as which time frames will help achieve this set goal. The answers to these questions vary for each trader However, you should always go for quality trades rather than quantity Six successful daily trades will yield a higher routine than five losing and seven winning trades Take the time to consider your options and the possible outcomes before placing your trades to end up with more profitable results. Broker Reviews. We have included here shorter reviews of the best brokers in the market right now Full reviews can be found on their own review pages that you can access from the full broker list at the top of this page. IQoption Broker Review. IQoption is a unique binary options broker in many aspects Their accounts differ slightly from other brokers, they have a customized trading platform and all of their features are available once one makes their initial minimum deposit However, we view these features as positive, as trading with IQoption is a rather innovative experience as traders are provided with an advanced trading experience and superior customer service After our detailed IQoption review, we can say that we are extremely pleased with their services and we highly recommend this broker to our readers. Best Features. Free Demo Account Minimum Deposit of only 10 Cysec, Regafi, CNMV, FCA, Consob regulated. IQoption Special features. We already mentioned in the beginning of our IQoption review that they offer some really unique features In fact, they were the first broker that actually offered their demo account completely free of charge. As well, they increased their maximum profit returns to 85 and decreased the required minimum trading deposit to only 10 In addition, they offer a multitude of other innovative features that traders can unlock with varying low deposit amounts. IQoption is ideal for those who are new to the world of binary options trading with their low deposit and free demo account Even those who are wary of risk can feel at ease utilising this brokerage service. IQoption offers three different account options As per usual, all of these do require a minimum deposit to unlock the additional returns However, IQoption offers these at such a low rate that even average traders can achieve VIP status after only a 3,000 deposit During our IQoption review, we determined that this platform is extremely user-friendly Their main goal appears to be customer education in the effort to get traders to achieve winning trades. This can easily be reiterated with the Free Demo Account offered by IQoption which is a demo of their starter, basic account We chose to begin our IQoption review from this account level as it did not require any initial deposit amount and the signup process was extremely easy Normally, a demo account is just a startup feature offered only on accounts that require a paid deposit, but with this broker, it is a free-standing feature containing the following. No risk Ability to try out the trading platform 100 in virtual trading funds. If you want to quickly and easily create an account, you can sign up through Google or Facebook During our IQoption broker review, we promptly received our activation email, but the activation link was invalid If you encounter a similar problem you can use log in manually using the password supplied in the email. IQoption Real Account. Starts already with a 10 deposit Access to all assets Access to trading competitions. IQoption VIP account. Accessible after 3,000 deposit Access to personal account manager Access to a monthly meeting with a financial analyst to further discuss trading strategies Speedy withdrawal process. With IQoption, building a career in binary options trading just becomes a great deal cheaper and more convenient After reading our IQoption review, we are certain that many of our readers will begin feel at ease trading binary options as this service provides an easy way to begin. In addition to the various services offered in their accounts, traders have access to an educational system that is web based and interactive A plus is that this is available in a variety of languages including French, Polish, Turkish, German, English and Japanese In fact, they offer 13 different languages altogether. IQoption has received awards for their exceptional and innovative efforts including Most Innovative Binary Options Broker at the ShowFX conference that was held in Moscow. Min Investment 1 Min Deposit 10 Max Returns 85 Max Investment 5000.Video How to Trade on IQ Option. IQoption Trading software. As this platform is updated regularly in order to provide the ultimate trading experience for their clients, the overall trading experience is outstanding with the IQoption software system. The current version of the IQoption software is the 4 0 version As our regular readers are aware, we place great importance on whole-page trading systems, so they can sense our excitement that we were able to utilize this during for our review of IQoption However, we feel that it s wrong to call the IQoption system the whole page, as it is actually just one of the many features offered by the system. Upon login, users are taken directly to the trading platform on which a multitude of additional useful tools and likes are available on the left-hand side of the menu On the right-hand side of the menu, there is the navigational panel on which the users can get insight from traders The center of the page contains the enormous graphing tool that displays the most up-to-date trading stats. Users have the ability to select between 2 binary options types on the left side of the page The number of open positions for each is displayed in a small bubble The graph and move controls work independently of one another so it may take users some time and effort to get used to maneuvering the graph controls. The deposit and withdrawal panels are also contained on the interface As they are outstanding, thus eliminating the need to constantly communicate with customer support. Along the bottom of the system interface is a list of real-time trades that are being acted upon by other registered clients This tool can help the trader to determine which direction the market is headed without aggregating the sentiment as is the case with the SpotOption Platform. There is a mobile version of the IQoption software available for those users who like to trade while out and about The IQoption m obile app is a free download app on both IOS and Android operating systems The only drawback of this feature is, it only offers turbo and high low options for trading Also they do not offer any special options with significantly high returns We feel that the IQoption trading system is most compatible for those who are new to trading as well as those who trade at a somewhat intermediate level. Note Those users who reside in Canada currently cannot access the IQoption web-based platform however they do have the ability to use the mobile app. Assets that are available are numerous and include a great variety of stocks, indices, assets and currencies This is more than enough variety for those traders who wish to develop a more diversified portfolio that will allow them to contend even more divergent market levity. Basic Information. Expiry Times. 60 sec 2min 5min 15 min 1 hr End of Day. Trade Options. 60seconds High Low. Indices Commodities Currencies Stocks. IQoption Support information. The support system may be a little unfamiliar from what traders might have experienced with other binary options trading brokers Those users with VIP accounts are given a personal account manager who will assist with any issues that may arise Those with Demo accounts need to upgrade to the Real Account offered by IQoption in order to be able to contact customer support However, the system does provide a phone support option Users are able to contact the staff via live chat, Skype and email The FAQ section is extremely detailed and can answer a great many questions that one may have about IQoption policies and services. Live chat is available in the trading room as is offered in the following languages. English Russian Turkish German Spanish Portuguese Chinese Swedish Norwegian Korean French Arabic Indonesian Slovak Italian. IQoption Banking and Company Information. We cannot stress enough how easy it is to bank with IQoption Every single process including withdrawals, deposits and payment choices are easily accessible via the same control interface that is available immediately after logging into your account. There are lists detailing which amounts are available for deposit for which account type and, as previously mentioned in our IQoption review The withdrawal process is very similar to this and only takes a few clicks to complete Users select the withdraw service and amount and then submit their request. Those with the Real IQoption account should see their withdrawal amount in 3 business day s max, while VIP users will have their funds within 24 hours For withdrawal, users can use credit card WebMOney, Qiwi, Yandex or wire to receive their funds The credit cards accept for both depo sits and withdrawals are Maestro and Visa For net wallets, these include CashU, Skrill POLi and WebMoney. While deposits are generally free, there may be a 5 free for credit cards and as high as 50 for bank wire for withdrawal The minimum withdrawal however is only 10 Users are able tack their trading, transaction and operating history in their control panel. IQ Option Europe Ltd, the company behind the brokerage, was extremely helpful and polite during our review of IQoption In addition to being regulated under CySEC, this broker is also associated with FMRRC, Consob FCA and Regafi.7 Binary Options Rating. Banc De Binary Review. UPDATE 12 01 2017.We have found out that Banc de Binary is closed. We recommend choosing one of our top binary option brokers instead. Try also Binary Option Robot if you are looking for automated binary trading. As it was founded in 2008, Banc de Binary is one of the oldest binary options brokers in existence It is controlled by Banc De Binary Ltd and is regulated b y the Exchange Commission and Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission since July 1, 2013 under license license number 188 13.Their physical address is 4, Profiti Ilia Street Kanika International Business Centre Office 401 Germasogeia CY-4046 Limassol, Cyprus Under 596375, they are also registered with the Financial Conduct Authority and are governed by other such regulatory bodies from various countries. We must inform our readers to avoid any confusion that there are two different websites for Banc de Binary is under the authority of Ash Ltd and it s affiliate, under domain 204033843 Address Sofia 1463, Sofia District, Bulgaria Their trading address of Ash Ltd UL Stoney Ground, P O Box 1823, VC - 100 Kingstown, St Vincent, Grenadyny. If you are outside of the European Union Ash Ltd operates this website Their services are not available for USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand residents However, is owned and operated by Banc De Binary Ltd Which site you will lend one depends on where you are located The details are the same including licensing information, business address and so forth. Is Banc de Binary a Scam. Banc de Binary EU has recently gained recognition by the FCA while other brands have achieved regulation with CySEC This is a step towards regulation in European subsidiaries However, we learned from a respected Financial B2B website, that banc de binary is having problem with the US authorities. The issue between the US and Banc de Binary has since been resolved and is now in the past Banc de Binary is now regulated and has partnered with the Liverpool Football Club However the amounts of complaints are overwhelming and cannot be ignored The majority of complaints are centered on loss of money and their aggressive sales tactics This therefore makes having a direct answer to Is this a scam rather challenging It all depends on whom you ask. Officials like FCA and CySEC seem to have no issues with Banc de Binary, as well as the Liverpool Football Club As we state d previously, the issues with the US are now in the past So the short answer is that Banc de Binary is not a scam it is of the most reliable brokers in the business. Did You Know. The Banc de Binary website does provide a lot more information about binary options trading than most other brokers In my opinion, having this complex educational material handy is a plus Keeping in mind that when I say complex I am stating that this is in comparison to the majority of other mainstream brokers, not educational and informative sites such as ours. Is it Worth It to Open Account with Banc de Binary. My first impression of the Banc de Binary website is that it is quite organized and easy to use not too much information squeezed together on one page. Upon pursuing their platform powered by Spot Option, I discovered it was very user-friendly with a wide variety of features for experienced traders and newbie alike You don t have to download any software as everything can easily be accessed online This is one of the benefits of a Spot Option powered trading system The Banc de Binary platform features 60 Seconds trading, One Touch, a functional Option Builder and other features. Banc De Binary Trading Platform. Their returns average between 70 and 91 for In the Money Options However, I noticed that the 91 return is few and far between However, this is good for sales and marketing the platform The average appears to be a steady 72 , which is the norm for binary options trading. Banc de Binary does offer different account types, meaning you will acquire more benefits as you deposit higher funds The lower-end account is the Bronze account The initial deposit is 250 EUR The next level is the Silver account which requires a minimum deposit of 2,500 EUR and finally the Gold account in which the minimum deposit is 5,000 EUR At one time Banc de Binary did offer a VIP account which had excellent benefits but honestly, I have noticed that most other brokers offer those same features with standard ac counts with a lesser deposit. Once your deposit exceeds 100,000 you will be treated like royalty You will be assigned a personal assistant to book your appointment, place your calls, place orders for online gifts and promotions and so forth They will also assist you if you need access to a specific guest list or even tickets to an event that are sold out It seems very glamorous, but honestly, if we want to keep it real, not everyone really has 100,000 to invest in binary options trading. This being said, my honest opinion is that Banc de Binary is basing their clientele on the high rollers as the benefits they offer to regular traders aren t all that appealing If you are able to invest upwards of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars trading binary options, then Banc de Binary is an excellent outlet However, if you are the average trader, I would look for another platform which is more suited to your personal needs and finances, such as Option Robot or IQ Option. The VIP account i s called the Lion Premium account, on which eligibility is a deposit of at least 10,000 Euro They do not provide the benefits on the website and quite understandably, I did not invest this sum so I cannot offer you any insights as to the level of services provided with this account. Video Banc De Binary Interview with the Experts on Strategies. Banc De Binary Complaints. We are constantly on the lookout for scam or fraud alerts, and complaints regarding binary options trading platforms, brokers and auto bots by performing a simple internet search such as one you could easily do on your laptop. We did not find many complaints during our search for Banc de Binary The best advice we can offer our readers is to use caution when selecting a binary options trading broker and only trade with trustworthy brokers from 7 Binary Options. Banc De Binary Bonus. Banc de Binary has changed the structure of their bonus so that now it is completely under the discretion of the Account Executive Bonuses are st ill offered as high as 100 but I was unable to locate the exact turnover guidelines anywhere on their website meaning we do not know the amount you need to trade before you are able to make a withdrawal. As you may be aware, we are of the opinion that large bonus create more issues than actual benefits The main reason is that you are unable to receive the bonus until you reach the specified turnover amount This of course means the higher the bonus the more the trading volume necessary to be able to make a withdrawal A plus side to this is that traders are not required to accept the bonus. The 100 bonus is at this time only offered to those who have a Gold account or higher. Banc De Binary Withdrawal. The minimum amount you are able to withdraw with Banc de Binary is 100 EUR GBP USD It is usually processed within 5 working days by Banc de Binary but it can take longer depending on the withdrawal method of your choice until you actually see the funds in your account Banc de Binary does not c harge a fee for withdrawals, but your individual bank or other payment service may have their own set fee You were able to process withdrawals via wire transfer, Skrill MoneyBookers and Debit and Credit Cards at this time. The average time for withdrawals is 7 business days This can take additional time depending on your method which is normally 2-7 business days for bank wire, 2 to 5 business days for credit debit and Skrill can either be instantaneously or within 24 hours. Banc De Binary Extras. Banc de Binary offers a Free ZuluTrade feature which is a popular social trading platform on which you can follow professional and successful traders in reference to their Zulu Rank and profit loss margin. Banc De Binary Features. User Friendliness. Banc de Binary offers their website in 10 different languages This Spot Option 2 0 platform is extremely user friendly except for the fact that a lot of information is sometimes clustered into one spot. Number of assets and expiry times. Banc de Binary of fers a variety of trading assets including 23 indices, 8 commodities 25 currency pairs and 97 stocks Since our last visit, we noticed an increase in these numbers, especially in the number of stocks now offered All of the standard expiry times apply including One Touch, 60 seconds trading and even an Option Builder which allows the trader to choose their own expiry time. As of August 2016, there is now a new asset category called Synthetic which offers 13 pairs In this instance you would pit stock vs another stock, indices vs another indices or a commodity vs another commodity and so forth This is commonly referred to as Pairs Tradingmissions, Support and Effective Return. While Banc de Binary doesn t charge for deposits or withdrawals, there may be some costs that occur with bank transfers or other withdrawal methods I found their customer support service to very polite and helpful, however, there can be improvement with their response time. According to Banc de Binary, their return rate can reach as high as 91 , but as I previously mentioned, this is few and far between and I have yet to see an asset that offered this rate The average seems to be 72 and some assets often reach as high as 82.Deposits, Payments and Bonuses. The minimum required deposit for Banc de Binary is 250 which can be made via Bank Wire, Skrill MoneyBookers and Credit Debit Card The payments from Banc de Binary to the customer will be applied to the same source from which they originated i e if you made your deposit via credit card, your withdrawal will be applied to the same credit card The bonus structure has recently changed The 100 bonus is still available but will be determined by your individual Account Executive The required turnover amount necessary to make a withdrawal is not listed anywhere on the Banc de Binary website so we can ascertain that this is also to be determined by your Account Executive You have the ability to accept or refuse any of the bonuses offered by Banc de Binary. Web site Extras. In my opinion the educational materials offered on the Banc de Binary website are a bit more complex than I have seen on other trading platforms They do provide a link to ZuluTrade a renowned platform for social trading. Banc de Binary SpotOption platform is now offering the ability to change time frames as well as candlestick charts.7 Binary Options Rating. Finpari Review. Finpari is controlled by two companies Lenora Impex SA which is Seychelles registered and also Norsk Inter LP, Scotland registered FinPari is not regulated by any governing bodies such as CySEC. Is Finpari A Scam. There is no concrete evidence that Finpari is a fraudulent service At the moment, we haven t heard any critical complaints of the broker, so we can only assume that Finpari is not a scam. Editor s Note. As they are built on the SpotOption platform, it might bode well on their behalf SpotOption is a reliable platform that does offer a lot of good features Finpari is based in Seychelles, which means the y are willing to accept traders from almost any country, which is more than is allowed as per CySEC regulations This makes them a prime choice for international traders. Video Binary Options Trading with Finpari. Is it recommended to open an Account with Finpari. It is not unusual for traders to sign with Finpari as many brokers prefer to register in countries such as Seychelles as they are banking friendly and thus can avoid the stricter standards set in place by organisations such as CySEC This can often be a warning sign of a fraudulent broker, but we did not find anything to support that this may be the case with Finpari as they appear to be simply another broker out to attract new investors As previously stated they are a SpotOption broker so this means that they offer a full-line of features. In addition to basic high low trading they offer One Touch, Ladder, Spot Follow and Paris They do not offer CFD or Forex trading which is a feature that is in fact offered by many other SpotOpti on based platforms Their expiry times are good and include 30, 60 and 120Second options Their long-term expiry times include end of day, intra-day, tomorrow, next week, end of week, end of the month and so forth up to 6 months which is available on some of the more common assets The Ladder Options trade similar to over under options and offer increased payouts and strikes One touch options include increased payouts up to 600 and are available on weekends The standard payout on call put trades average about 80.Finpari Features. User Friendliness. The FinPari platform is extremely user friendly I can honestly say this as SpotOption platform is my personal favourite It has most of the features offered on standard SpotOption platforms and is very easy to navigate However, I have to deduct a few points as a result of the false information about their regulations and over-the-top marketing on the main page of the website. Number Of Assets And Expiry. Finpari does offer a wide list of assets as w ell as a variety of expiry times and quite a few options for exotic trades They do not offer range but it is not necessary with the Ladders However, this is not outstanding reason to sign with FinPari as you can find these features elsewheremissions, Support and Effective Returns. This broker does not require any commission, but they do have a withdrawal fee for wire transfers Their support is decent but rather pushy when it comes to sales pressure, so keep this in mind Their educational section is so-so, not a lot to offer, but the videos are pretty food The effect return on Finpari is on par with the SpotOption standard, which is up to 600 and higher for One Touch and Ladder, 85 on call put and somewhat lover for short term 60seconds trading. Deposit, Payment And Bonus. The required minimum deposit is the standard with binary options brokers 250 and can be made via debit credit card, eWallet or wire transfer I always recommend using eWallet whenever it is feasible Finpari does accept Ne teller Skrill and others as well Payments are made to the same account on which they were deposited however, there is no limit for credit cards. Bonuses are offered in the form of one-time only deposit bonuses up to 100 or risk free trading The terms are a bit misleading In one section it says turnover deposit is only 300 3X , yet in another it says up to 20X Regardless of bonus, every deposit must be turned over at least one time in order to make a withdrawal. Broker Extras. SpotOption goes above and beyond when it comes to extras as opposed to the average hum-drum trading platform This includes Ladder options which offer a great deal of flexibility as well as increased payouts They also offer Spot Follow, which is similar to iFollow which is essentially the copy trading platform that is offered by SpotOption and supported by ZuluTrade Technology.7 Binary Options Rating.24Option Review.24Option, founded in 2009, is a true binary options pioneer 24Option is owned by Rodeler Ltd Rodeler Lt d is a company operating under Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission CySEC license number 207 13 Founded in 2009, they are operated under Rodeler LD, which is regulated under CYSEC Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission and their license information is license number 207 13 As well they are registered with BaFin in Germany as well as the British Financial Conduct Authority FCA since 04 12 2013.Is 24Option a Scam.24Option was regulated in 2013 with CySec and therefore is not a scam operation in any way, shape or form Under the authority of CySec, any money that is exchanged with this platform is secure. The fact that they are a regulated system is the primary reason that 24Option was added to the official list of non-scam brokers However, this does not necessarily that they do not have some issues Even regulated brokers can have their cons. Fortunately, these regularity reasons are not the only factor that contributed to 24Option making our list of non-scam systems They are well-renowned f or their user friendly interface and the trading system itself, as well as the overall platform navigation is outstanding It is very easy to trade with this system and the live charts provided by 24Option are easily accessed simply by clicking on the underlying asset itself For those who wish to further examine any underlying asset, they simply have to click on the underlying asset tab to open a small pop up with information from sources such as Yahoo There is no need to leave the site to do research. These factors, as well as many others, are one of the reasons that 24Option is one of the best binary options brokers around They have made great strides toward improvement since they originated such as redesigning the platform itself, increasing the number of underlying assets and keeping up to date with the latest technology and data They seem to make it their priority to strive to be the best of the best when it comes to binary options trading. Editor s Note Why We Recommend 24Option. Whi le some binary options brokers turn out to be scams, there are many that are legit, but in fact, 24Option is one of the few brokers that are held in high esteem I can dismiss any suspicion of fraud thanks to their CySec licensing Their superior customer service and professional and attractive trading platform makes them a popular and respected broker in the world of binary options trading. The only small drawback of 24Option is that they no longer serve residents of the US due to regulation This is good news for EU clients, but a bitter disappointment for those who reside in the US Also, since the company has registered with CySec, their average return has decreased by 2 However, the licensing itself is a major plus Despite this, they still have returns as high as 88 per successful trade so this still bodes well for traders. Do I recommend opening an Account with 24Option. Since their origin 24Option has strived to greatly improve their already innovative, fully-online based platform They consistently provide traders with the necessary and easiest tools to assist them with their trading They also have an outstanding user-interface, as well as other great features Note that we have stated earlier in this review that their user-interface site navigation and overall trading experience are superlative. The main premise behind 24Options trading platform that makes them stand out from other trading platforms is that their underlying assets are arranged from shortest expiry time to the longest ie 60 seconds to end of day, except in a few cases IE When you highlight the High Low tab, you will notice the underlying assets are listed according to their expiry times The shortest are listed first and the latter tend to expire at the end of the trading day. Of course, traders have the ability to click the same tab and select the stocks or indices tab with the desire to only view specific underlying assets In each category, there are over 100 available underlying assets and again they are arranged from the shortest to longest expiry times. Overall, in my opinion these platforms are much easier to use than the others Once you are familiar with the TechFinancials platform you will discover that it a preferable solution for the majority of investors i e those who perform trades around the clock within just seconds. In my opinion, the aforementioned investors are the high risk type as opposed to the more conservative traders Both of these, however, will be well-pleased with the In-the-Money-Return feature, as there lies the possibility of 88 in-the-money as well as closing a trade prior to the expiry time to secure a winning trade or to eliminate any further losses Out-of the money trades will result in full capital loss on the specific trade.88 appears to be the average return for successful trades for underlying assets such as forex pairs and 70 for exotic and minor pairs Remember, that there is the possibility that a trader can lose their entire investment, as with an y financial trading However, these high return rates are what make 24Option one of the leading brokers in the world of binary options. The downside of this is that the minimum investment is rather high the average is 24 for the majority of trading underlying assets However, unlike other brokers, the minimum investment varies according to the individual underlying assets This could be a bit discouraging to novice traders Fortunately, 24Option does provide a demo account so new traders can practice trading with virtual money before investing live Another negative for newbie s is that their minimum deposit is slightly high at 250 I tend to prefer those brokers with lower deposit fees, but with 24Option I feel the slightly higher investment is worth it as they are regulated and licensed so therefore they can be trusted.24Option has recently partnered with the Juventus Football Club which only adds to their high credibility They were already a top-notch, highly respectable brokerage, but thi s partnership is purely an added bonus So if you re a fan of both soccer and binary options trading, this is the platform for you Also, for those who like tennis, 24Option and Boris Becker are currently offering a competition in which you have the chance to win 100 grand in USD You should take advantage of this offer now, as it will not be around forever Keep in mind, as always, that investors do risk the chance of losing their all of their money Terms and conditions apply. Their outstanding customer service makes 24Option a welcome home for the binary options trader, in addition to the fact that they are licensed with CySEC 24Option offers traders the option to invest as much as 100 grand USD in a single trade so this proves that they have no issue in paying high returns to their clients To spice things up, they also over prize money, up to 100,000 for weekly top traders Terms and conditions apply.24Option Broker Complaints. Let 7 Binary Options do the research so you don t have to I co nstantly search the internet for broker complaints to bring the results directly to our loyal readers As unbelievable as it may seem, we could not find even one substantial complaint about this broker in our search. I did notice an active online discussion concerning 24option in forums, comments sections and Complaint and Review Center Our team is monitoring and checking these I personally feel that the negative feedbacks concerning the withdrawal process were not legitimate complaints These complaints are typical from disgruntled traders and do not always reflect the truth The sincere complaints were in fact resolved by the company itself so I can honestly say that there are no major complaints concerning 24Option.24Option Bonus. Let s be real here, we all enjoy a good bonus I can honestly say that I like the bonus system offered by 24Option Case in point for a 5,000 deposit you can receive up to a 70 bonus 3,500 but you have to reach a 50 times higher trading volume than the bonus itse lf as opposed to 50 times bonus plus the deposit amount as is common with many other brokers This means you will earn your bonus once you reach 175,000 in trading volume Earned bonuses, however are able to be used fully in both trading and as a withdrawal. Video 24Option Ad.24Option Withdrawal. Most sites will give you advice on how to deposit However, at we are not concerned with this issue Our main focus is that major concern in binary options the withdrawal process itself As a rule, for obvious reasons, few brokers cause an issue with deposits, however quite a few brokers have issues when it comes to withdrawing your funds. A plus with 24Option is that there is no limit to the withdrawal amount, as we often see with other platforms The average time before you see your funds is three to seven business days Skrill will have lower fees and also will make the process quicker Those with VIP accounts do not have to pay a withdrawal fee, which is outstanding However, you must remember to send proper documentation as specified under regulation before you can request a withdrawal.24Option Extras. A lot of traders look for the extras before they sign with a broker But here at we try to think outside the box This section will highlight those features that are unique with 24Option and what sets them apart from other brokers. The Extras that we found appealing with 24Option are as follows. Free webinars learn to trade with the aid of a professional. Educational videos including 5-hour videos which are extremely beneficial to those new to trading. Highest Withdrawal Limits This is a plus of which most traders are not aware 24Options offers the highest limits available.24Option Features. User Friendliness. As a completely based web-tech platform, there is no need to download any software with 24Option They have the best looking website we have seen thus far as the gold letters on the black background is both sophisticated and contemporary Just above each underlying asset, is live informa tion and other chats with just a simple click Both the Glossary and FAQ sections are current and complete The website is available in 18 languages including German, Arabic, Spanish, et al. No of Assets and Expiry time.24option offers a total of 103 underlying assets including 30 currencies forex, 11 commodities, 19 indices and 43 stocks The variety of underlying assets is wide and the expiry times are outstanding as they allow the traders to choose from as little as 60 seconds to as much as end of the day week monthmissions, Support and Effective return. There is no charge for investors for their initial deposit or purchase options The first withdrawal is free as well There is a 30 charge for wire transfers for withdrawals Those with a Gold account get one free withdrawal a month However, all withdrawals are free for those with Platinum accounts Customer support is available with a total of 21 international phone numbers including French, Spanish, Italian, English and more They can also be reached via email. The Live Chat feature on 24Option was extremely polite and quick to respond Their effective return rate is amongst the highest in the binary options trading market with an 82 return on most of the major currencies and 70-88 in the money As always, we need to remind our readers that there is always a risk that you can lose all of your capital as a result of trading binary options as with any other type of financial investing They do not offer an Out-of-Money refund but they offer the ability to close your position 2 minutes after purchase or up to 5 minutes before the expiry time. Deposit, Payment and Bonus. The minimum deposit with 24Option is average 250 250 250 50,000 or 10,000 Deposits can be made with Cash-U, Skrill, credit debit card, wire transfer, et al Generally, withdrawals can be made via the same process There is a minimum of 200 for wire withdrawals However, there is no minimum withdrawal via Skrill There are usually up to 100 bonus offers with 24Options and they do occasionally offer amazing promotions and specials for both new and registered clients Terms and conditions apply. Website Extras. As one of the most innovative trading platforms, 24Option offers a good number of additional and unique features The strength of their third party signals varies and provides information as to the most likely direction of the underlying asset However, the expiry time is determined by the trader With the exception of High low trades, they offer two additional means of trading including One-Touch option, which lets the trader decide if the underlying asset will hit a certain value before the expiry time which is most often available on weekends Secondly, they offer a Boundary Option with 75 return rate via winning trade Investors should have in mind that can lose all their capital and that trading alerts should not be considered as investment advice The decision to act on any signals is yours and taken at your own risk.7 Binary Options Rating. Optio n Financial Markets OFM OptionFM Review. UPDATE 12 01 2017.About Us Disclaimer. Disclaimer 7 Binary Options will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on the information contained within this website The data contained in this website is not necessarily real-time nor accurate, and analyses are the opinions of the author is only a website offering information - not a regulated broker or investment adviser, and none of the information is intended to guarantee future results. Binary option trading on margin involves high risk, and is not suitable for all investors As a leveraged product losses are able to exceed initial deposits and capital is at risk Before deciding to trade binary options or any other financial instrument you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. In accordance with FTC guidelines, has financial relationships with some of the products and services mentioned on this website, and may be compens ated if consumers choose to click these links in our content and ultimately sign up for them. By using this website you agree with the limitations and exclusions of liability set out in this disclaimer and the separate disclaimer page If you do not agree with them, you must not use this website.
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